About The Roastery - Since 1992


After forty years of roasting coffee Jeremy Raths finds himself in a sweet spot. He began as Production Manager for a company that roasted and packaged over 7 million pounds a year. And now he finds himself the owner of a humble one man coffee roasting company. Raths has done it all. Through consulting all over the world Jeremy Raths has learned more about what makes a great cup of coffee than you can imagine. Jeremy spent years helping to grow the Roasters Guild through his two terms as a member of the Executive Council. Most recently Jeremy has been focused on educating people on fresh roasted coffee through his work with Q certification as well as his continued presence in the Minneapolis coffee scene with his longtime love The Roastery.  From four bag Jabez Burns, to Probats, Diedrichs, Primos, San Franciscans, and many more machines, Raths has coached many clients. Finding the sweet spot for each bean brings great pleasure. Cupping, brewing, pulling shots allow that sweet spot to flourish. Raths has brought this great pleasure to many, many coffee folks around the world.


Jeremy Says:


"When the hell are you gonna hang up your apron? Not gonna happen for a long while.

Why should a coffee guy who loves roasting and teaching ever stop? It is so much fun to use my entire being, all my senses, to get the coffee to flower at the right moment.

It is so much fun to see understanding light up faces of curious eager students. It is so much fun to see the confidence rise as folks get that they can do it.

Over 40 years dancing the wonderful dance with the roaster and the beans. Over 25 years with my very little unique coffee roasting company. I like what I like. And I buy and roast what I like. Over 15 years sharing the dance with other folks around the world. I have learned many many times that there are no experts in this business, just life long students."



Contact Us:

The Roastery, Inc.
616 West 54th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55419

Jeremy Raths